Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

2009 Division Contests

Don't miss the 2009 Division Contests for Humorous Speech and Evaluations.

When: Saturday, September 26, 2009
Where: Bayfront's Sheen Conference Center

701 6th St SouthSt Petersburg, FL 33701

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

District 47 Fall Conference

District 47 Fall Conference
Naples Hilton Hotel
Naples, Florida
Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2009

Online Registration NOW OPEN! CLICK HERE

"Early Bird" Full Conference (until Oct. 6) is $115.00
Oct. 7 - Oct. 20: Full Conference rate is $125.00
“A-La-Carte” rate through Oct. 6: $20.00 Registration Fee Plus: (Oct. 7 - Oct. 20 rate goes to $30.00)

  • Friday Night Dinner & Evaluation Contest ONLY, add: $40

  • Saturday Roast Luncheon ONLY, add: $30

  • Saturday Dinner & Humorous Speech Contest ONLY, add: $45

  • Attending the Saturday District Council meeting is always free.

More Details

Monday, August 31, 2009

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Area 33 Contest

The Area 33 Speech Contest will be held September 10, 2009 from 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm. Area Governer Tatanisha Bennett is looking for volunteers.

The following positions need to be filled:

1. Chief Judge - pending
2. Timer 1
3. Timer 2
4. Counter 1
5. Counter 2
6. Counter 3
7. Judge 1
8. Judge 2
9. Judge 3
10. Judge 4
11. Judge 5
12. Tie Breaking Judge
13. Sergeant at Arms 1 - Earl Paul
14. Sergeant at Arms 2

If interested let the Officers of your club know.

Division Governor Melody Tapley will be performing the target speech for the evaulations contest.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Area 33 Speech Contest

Speech contests are an important part of Toastmasters International. According to Toastmasters International the purpose of speech contests is:

1. To provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their speaking abilities and to recognize the best as encouragement to all.

2. To provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.

The official rules can be found at the Toastmasters International site.

The Area 33 Speech Contest will be held on September 10, 2009 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm at:

Bloomingdale Library
1906 Bloomingdale Ave
Valrico, FL 33596-6206

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Valrico Toastmasters Club Featured in Osprey Observer

The July 2009 (Volume 7, Issue 7) of the Osprey Observer has featured an article with club president Anand Patel. In the article, Anand describes how Toastmasters has increased his self-confidence and is allowing it's members to work on communication and leadership skills. 

The full article can be found below:

The Osprey Observer is an independent monthly direct-mailed community newspaper. 

District 47 Achieves President's Distinguished District Status

According to 2008-2009 District 47 Governor, Antoinette M. Fox, DTM, District 47 has become a President's Distinguished District. District 47 is ranked #4 worldwide.

There are 81 Districts in the world and only the top 6 can be President's Distinguished.
If you ever attended a Toastmasters conference or training session, you may hear of different divisions, districts, and areas. So where does Valrico Toastmasters Club reside in the hierarchy?

Club Level

Valrico Toastmasters Club is club # 831439, this is the bottom level of the hierarchy.

Valrico Toastmasters Club is presided over by President Anand Patel.

Area Level

Valrico Toastmasters Club is a part of Area 33 which is comprised of three other clubs:

  • South Shore Toastmasters Club
  • Toast 'N Progress (Progressive)
  • SBC Toastmasters Club
Area 33 is presided over by Area Governer Tatanisha Bennett.

Division Level

Valrico Toastmasters Club is part of Division C which is comprised of seven areas:

  • Area 30 (Area Governor Jim Lightfoot)
  • Area 31 (Area Governor Eleanor Berberich)
  • Area 32 (Area Governor Steve McClure)
  • Area 33 (Area Governor Tatanisha Bennett)
  • Area 34 (Area Governor Jenelle Taylor)
  • Area 35 (Area Governor TBD)
  • Area 36 (Area Governor Mary Wright)
Division C is presided over by Division Governor Melody Tapley.

District Level

Valrico Toastmasters Club is part of District 47 which covers South Florida & The Bahamas geographically.

District 47 is presided over by District Governor Kristina Kihlberg, DTM.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Workshops for Saturday's Leadership Training Announced

Registration for Saturday's (July 11) make-up officer training will run from 8:00 - 8:30 am, followed by an introduction.

There will be a two hour long sessions offering a choice of four workshops to attend :

9 am Session:

Workshop 1: How to be an Effective Evaluator (Bob Turell)
Workshop 2: President (Jim Ellis)
Workshop 3: VP Education (David Bond)
Workshop 4: VP Membership (TBA)

10 am Session:

Workshop 1: Competent Leadership Manual (Jim Ellis)
Workshop 2: VP Public Relations (Steve McClure)
Workshop 3: Secretary & Treasurer (TBA)
Workshop 4: Sergeant at Arms (Mary Wright)

Information on the training can be found on this previous post.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Toastmasters Officer Training on July 11

Toastmasters International will be offering make-up training on July 11.

All members of Toastmasters are able are encouraged to attend. There will be workshops on each different office role and also on leadership.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1st Meeting of Executive Committee for 2009 - 2010 Officers

On June 30th, both outgoing and new officers met to discuss the club's status and also to transition any club information and materials.

Following this meeting, the new officers met to discuss the goals for the 2009 - 2010 year related to the Distinguished Club Program.

(From Left: Earl Paul, Brian Bethune, Anand Patel, Daniel Hirschlein, David Johnson)

Valrico Toastmasters Club Officers for 2009 - 2010

President: Anand Patel
VP Education: Daniel Hirschlein
VP Membership: David Johnson
VP Public Relation: Brian Bethune
Secretary/Treasurer: Earl Paul
Sergeant at Arms: Ernest Williams